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Its been labeled a focus enhancer and rightfully so. XSP-F (AKA TAF, Molecule F) is best used to enhance your focus when testing other new blends or molecules. We are of the opinion this molecule is actively used in every blend offered at Androtics. If a person is "focused" on the blend, such as what occurs when TAF is added, that person is more likely to see results.

This effect can be accomplished by applying .25mcg to 1mcg per spray of XSP-F as an addition to any blend for more clarity. However at XS we like our blends to speak for themselves. Any solid pheromone blend will produce detectable results to those in tune with their social environment.

You can easily fall into a trap of over focusing on results rather than just letting the blend take shape. If you’re to focused on one particular aspect or result, you could very well miss everything else going on around you.


Customer questions & answers

Product Information

Alternative Molecules
Compare To Molecule F, TAF
Application Typically worn in small dosages. This molecule has been labeled a focus enhancer.
Easy Availability Scale

Moderetely available, although expensive

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